Title: Stories Hollywood Never Tells, Artist: Howard Zinn
Title: Every Tone a Testimony: An African American Aural History, Artist: EVERY TONE A TESTIMONY / VARIOU
Title: The New War on Terrorism, Artist: Noam Chomsky
Title: Nobel Voices for Disarmament: 1901-2001, Artist: NOBEL VOICES FOR DISARMAMENT: 1
Title: A Voice Ringing O'er the Gale! The Oratory of Frederick Douglass, Artist: Ossie Davis
Title: Iraq: The Forever War, Artist: Noam Chomsky
Title: Stuffed and Starved, Artist: Raj Patel
Title: I Have Been to the Mountaintop/If I Had Only Sneezed, Artist: Martin Luther King
Title: Why I Oppose the War in Vietnam, Artist: Martin Luther King