Title: A Lambida de Netuno, Artist: Novos Planos Inclinados
Title: Soledade Solo, Artist: Cida Moreira
Title: Race, Artist: Dee Day Dub
Title: Luna Malinconica, Artist: Michele Andalo Quartet
Title: Outras Cores, Artist: Cor Das Cordas
Title: Infini, Artist: Anne Wirz
Title: Origem, Artist: Sallaberry
Title: Pra Sempre, Artist: Fernamda Ca
Title: The Bopped and the Bopless, Artist: Benet McLean
Title: Comeco, Artist: Wem
by Wem
Title: Pra Nao Esquecer, Artist: Banda Nhendupora
Title: Jogos Da Noite, Artist: Suzana Salles
Title: Depressions, Artist: Steve Plews
Title: Eu Pra Mim, Artist: Anderson Richards
Title: Canto Da Areia, Artist: Beba Zanettini
Title: Solar, Artist: Daniel Olivar
Title: To Remember, Artist: Cleide Pina
Title: O Lord, Why Can't I Keep My Big Mouth Shut, Artist: Yttling Jazz
Title: Capote de Pedras, Artist: Denise Emmer
Title: Colour Shop, Artist: Rudy's Music Shop

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