Title: In Between Thoughts...A New World [Bone Colored Vinyl], Artist: Rodrigo y Gabriela
Title: Of Rivers & Religion/After the Ball, Artist: John Fahey
Title: All Gist, Artist: James Elkington
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Title: In Between Thoughts...A New World, Artist: Rodrigo y Gabriela
CD $11.99 $14.99 Current price is $11.99, Original price is $14.99.
Title: All Gist, Artist: James Elkington
Title: The Best of John Fahey 1959-1977, Artist: John Fahey
Title: Music of the Bahamas, Vol. 1: Bahaman Folk Guitar, Artist: Joseph Spence
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Title: The Dance of Death & Other Plantation Favorites, Artist: John Fahey
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Title: The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death, Artist: John Fahey
Title: Ambsace [LP], Artist: James Elkington
Title: Flying Games, Artist: Mike Gordon
Title: Noon, Artist: Leo Kottke
Title: Flying Games, Artist: Mike Gordon
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Title: Guitar Music, Artist: Leo Kottke
Title: Third, Artist: Nathan Salsburg
Title: The Complete Folkways Recordings: 1958, Artist: Joseph Spence

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