Title: Rappin Dancin & Laughin, Artist: Blowfly
Title: The Weird World of Blowfly, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Brother on the Run, Artist: Johnny Pate
Title: The Worst of Blowfly, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Zodiac, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Brotherman, Artist: The Final Solution
Title: On TV, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Dolemite 4 President, Artist: Rudy Ray Moore
Title: Disco, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Oldies But Goodies, Artist: Blowfly
Title: 2001: A Sex Odyssey, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Rappin Dancin & Laughin, Artist: Blowfly
Title: Porno Freak, Artist: Blowfly
Title: On Tour, Artist: Blowfly
Title: What The... You Mean I Can't Sing?, Artist: Melvin Van Peebles
Title: Drift, Artist: The Winston Brothers
Title: Super Fly [Original Soundtrack], Artist: Curtis Mayfield

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