Title: Slint, Artist: Slint
by Slint
Title: Whenever You See Fit, Artist: Modest Mouse
Title: S.E.L.F./I Know Ways, Artist: Black Anger Presents
Title: Teenage Dream, Artist: Iqu
Title: S¿¿datifs en Fr¿¿quences et Sillons, Artist: Fly Pan Am
Title: Born Of Ma(Op)n And Flies, Artist: Mummy Fortuna's
Title: Machine, Artist: Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Title: Blood Flow/Blood Flow, Pt. 2, Artist: Dub Narcotic Sound System
Title: You F*** Me Up/Cowboy Coffee Version, Artist: Dub Narcotic Sound System
Title: F.K.O., Artist: Subtle
by Subtle
Title: Yr City's a Sucker, Artist: LCD Soundsystem
Title: The Long Vein of the Law, Artist: Subtle
Title: Empathy for People Unknown/Gunboats, Artist: Windsor for the Derby
Title: Loss Leader, Artist: Fog
by Fog
Title: What Spills Like Thread, Artist: The Horns Of Happiness
Title: Sacchrilege, Artist: Boom Bip
Title: Trick for Treat, Artist: Neon Neon
Title: Casino Nanaimo, Artist: The Besnard Lakes
Title: M¿¿lodie Citronique, Artist: Blonde Redhead
Title: What Do You Want With My Love/I'm Shakin, Artist: Little Willie John

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