Title: Anime Aesthetics: Japanese Animation and the 'Post-Cinematic' Imagination, Author: Alistair D. Swale
Title: Sculpture: The Reliefs from the Theater, Author: Mary C. Sturgeon
Title: Hip Hop Culture, Author: Emmett G. Price III
Title: Alejandro González Iñárritu, Author: Celestino Deleyto
Title: The Oxford Companion to Musical Instruments, Author: Anthony Baines
Title: Barrelhouse Words: A Blues Dialect Dictionary, Author: Stephen Calt
Title: King Henry V (Shakespeare in Production Series), Author: William Shakespeare
Title: Abstinence Cinema: Virginity and the Rhetoric of Sexual Purity in Contemporary Film, Author: Casey Ryan Kelly
Title: Movie Comics: Page to Screen/Screen to Page, Author: Blair Davis
Title: Rockin' in the Ivory Tower: Rock Music on Campus in the Sixties, Author: James M. Carter
Title: The Great White Way: Race and the Broadway Musical, Author: Warren Hoffman
Title: Indiscreet Fantasies: Iberian Queer Cinema, Author: Andrés Lema-Hincapié
Title: Killing Poetry: Blackness and the Making of Slam and Spoken Word Communities, Author: Javon Johnson
Title: The Films of Denys Arcand, Author: Jim Leach
Title: Black and White Cinema: A Short History, Author: Wheeler Winston Dixon
Title: Moment of Action: Riddles of Cinematic Performance, Author: Murray Pomerance
Title: Televisuality: Style, Crisis, and Authority in American Television, Author: John T Caldwell
Title: Public Interests: Media Advocacy and Struggles over U.S. Television, Author: Allison Perlman
Title: Militant Visions: Black Soldiers, Internationalism, and the Transformation of American Cinema, Author: Elizabeth Reich
Title: Extreme Cinema: The Transgressive Rhetoric of Today's Art Film Culture, Author: Mattias Frey

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