Title: The Three Little Pigs / Los tres cerditos, Author: Patricia Seibert
Title: The Gingerbread Man / El hombre de pan de jengibre, Author: Catherine McCafferty
Title: The Little Red Hen / La gallinita roja, Author: Carol Ottolenghi
Title: Abuelo and the Three Bears / Abuelo y los tres osos (Scholastic Bilingual), Author: Jerry Tello
Title: The Three Billy Goats Gruff / Los Tres Chivitos, Author: Carol Ottolenghi
Title: Little Red Riding Hood / Caperucita Roja, Author: Candice Ransom
Title: 26 cuentos del mundo / 26 Stories from around the World, Author: Varios autores
Title: Martina tiene muchas tías (Martina Has Too Many Tías), Author: Emma Otheguy
Title: Goldilocks and the Three Bears / Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos, Author: Candice Ransom
Title: Mother Goose Rhymes / Las rimas de mama oca, Author: Brighter Child
Title: El mitón (The Mitten), Author: Jan Brett
Title: Uncle Nacho's Hat / El sombrero del Tío Nacho, Author: Harriet Rohmer
Title: Little Red Riding Hood / La Caperucita Roja (Scholastic Bilingual), Author: Joana Costa Knufinke
Title: Willodeen (en español), Author: Katherine Applegate
Title: The Day It Snowed Tortillas / El día que nevó tortillas: Folktales told in Spanish and English, Author: Joe Hayes
Title: Puss in Boots / El Gato Con Botas, Author: Carol Ottolenghi
Title: Jack and the Beanstalk / Juan y los Frijoles Magicos, Author: Carol Ottolenghi
Title: Sopa de piedras (Stone Soup), Author: Marcia Brown
Title: Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos (Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories), Author: Dr. Seuss
Title: La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos! (The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs), Author: Jon Scieszka

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