Title: Toby Got Out!: A dog's tale of adventure, Author: Andree Prendergast
Title: Puppy Training for Kids: Teaching Children the Responsibilities and Joys of Puppy Care, Training, and Companionship, Author: Colleen Pelar
Title: Dog Training & Dog Tricks: The Guide to Raising and Showing a Well-Behaved Dog, Author: Tammie Rogers
Title: La llamada de la selva, Author: Jack London
Title: Beyond Companionship: Dogs With A Purpose, Author: Mary-Ellen Siegel
Title: Just George, Author: Ellen Deery Freeman
Title: Smart Paws: Ancient Partner to Service Dog Today, Author: Eloise and Rusty
Title: Vicious: Wolves and Men in America, Author: Jon T. Coleman
Title: Beautiful Joe: A Dog's Own Story, Author: Marshall Saunders
Title: Through Charlie's Eyes, Author: Linda M. Hueftlein
Title: True Dog Stories - True Tales of Working Dogs, Including Stories of Gun Dogs, Sheep Dogs, Police Dogs, Guide Dogs, Military Dogs and More, Author: Lilian Gask