Title: Anne Frank (National Geographic Readers Series), Author: Alexandra Zapruder
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Title: Margaret Mead - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Madame Roland and the French Revolution, Author: Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Title: A Short Biography of Susan B. Anthony, Author: Jonathan Madden
Title: Clara Barton - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Nell Madden
Title: Amelia Earhart - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Harriet Tubman - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Meet Helen Keller: An Illustrated Biography of Helen Keller. For Children Age 8 & Up, Author: Jeanette Donaldson
Title: Princess Diana - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Mr. Lincoln's Wife, Author: Gerald Murphy
Title: Cofachiqui: Indian Princess, Author: Kate Sweetser
Title: DK Readers L3: Helen Keller, Author: Leslie Garrett
Title: Molly Pitcher - A Biography for Kids, Author: Kate Sweetser
Title: Barbara McClintock, American Scientist - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Elizabeth Blackwell - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Charlene Ryan
Title: Lady Jane Grey - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Kate Sweetser
Title: Cleopatra - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden

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