Title: Travels With A Donkey In The Cevennes, Author: Robert Louis Stevenson
Title: Margaret Mead - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Josephine Madden
Title: Crazy Horse: Young War Chief, Author: George E. Stanley
Title: Helen Keller - A Short Biography for Kids, Author: Sylvia Miner
Title: Great Girls in Michigan History, Author: Patricia Majher
Title: Nathan Hale, American Hero, Author: Nathan Everett Hale
Title: Indian Boyhood, Author: Charles A. Eastman
Title: En El Campo de Juego con... Derek Jeter (On the Field with... Derek Jeter), Author: Matt Christopher
Title: The Freedom Ship of Robert Smalls, Author: Louise Meriwether
Title: Champion: The Story of Muhammad Ali, Author: Jim Haskins
Title: Bowman's Store, Author: Joseph Bruchac
Title: Float Like a Butterfly, Author: Ntozake Shange
Title: I Am a Star: Child of the Holocaust, Author: Inge Auerbacher
Title: Twelve Years a Slave, Author: Solomon Northup
Title: The Native Americans Who Changed the World - Biography Kids Children's United States Biographies, Author: Baby Professor
Title: Historical Short True Stories for Young People, Author: Varied
by Varied
Title: Jackie Robinson (History's All-Stars Series), Author: Herb Dunn
Title: Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington, Author: Stephanie Watson
Title: I Look Up To... Oprah Winfrey, Author: Anna Membrino
Title: DK Readers L3: Helen Keller, Author: Leslie Garrett

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