Title: espantapájaros/Scarecrows, Author: Calvin Harris
Title: Relámpagos/Lightning, Author: Erin Edison
Title: Bailando tap/Tap Dancing, Author: Kathryn Clay
Title: La historia de un pato bebé/A Baby Duck Story, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: The Number Story 1 ???????? ??????: Small Book One English-Kutchi, Author: Anna Miss
Title: Cómo hacer slime/How to Make Slime, Author: Lori Shores
Title: ¡Vamos a jugar al básquetbol!/Let's Play Basketball!, Author: Carol K. Lindeen
Title: Un diente está flojo/Loose Tooth, Author: Mari Schuh
Title: Encima y debajo/Above and Below, Author: Tami Johnson
Title: Cómo hacer un globo con olor misterioso/How to Make a Mystery Smell Balloon, Author: Lori Shores
Title: Marineros de la Armada de EE.UU./Sailors of the U.S. Navy, Author: Jennifer Reed
Title: Caballos paint/American Paint Horses, Author: Kim O'Brien
Title: Comportamiento y modales en la cafetería/Manners in the Lunchroom, Author: Amanda Doering Tourville
Title: Los imanes atraen, los imanes repelen/Magnets Push, Magnets Pull, Author: Mark Weakland
Title: Tableros de conteo/Tally Charts, Author: Vijaya Khisty Bodach
Title: My First Book of Spanish Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Cómo hacer un cohete efervescente/How to Build a Fizzy Rocket, Author: Lori Shores
Title: Bailando jazz/Jazz Dancing, Author: Kathryn Clay
Title: Yo manejo una niveladora/I Drive a Bulldozer, Author: Sarah Bridges
Title: Algunos niños son ciegos/Some Kids Are Blind, Author: Lola M. Schaefer

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