Title: Anthology of Classic Short Stories. Vol. 8 (Love): The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov, The Trial of Love by Mary Shelley, The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde and others, Author: Anthony Trollope
Title: fun trip, Author: Irina Ostrovetskaya
Title: Obsession, Author: Irina Ostrovetskaya
Title: Washer, Author: Ludmila Serdyukovskaya
Title: Clementia, Author: Galina Golitsyna
Title: Dad trap, Author: Marina Semenova
Title: End of summer: Love is blind, love always forgives..., Author: Eileen Annadynch
Title: concubine, Author: Vladimir Gurvich
Title: Voice, Author: Alexandra Plen
Title: I want to be kept, Author: Irina Ostrovetskaya
Title: Wrong woman, Author: Anna Strikovskaya
Title: When the flamingo dances ..., Author: Elena Amberova
Title: Practical application of household magic, Author: Anna Strikovskaya
Title: Label, Author: Ekaterina Druzhinina
Title: Love is for sale or Pirates of the 25th century, Author: Alexandra Plen
Title: When the stars fell, Author: Irina Ostrovetskaya
Title: Diana's birthday, Author: Tatyana Sokolova
Title: Shattering fears, Author: Ann Quinn
Title: Three lives of one woman, Author: Vladimir Gurvich
Title: Townhouse, Author: Vladimir Gurvich

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