Title: Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Author: Stanley Milgram
Title: Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Author: Rachel Pollack
Title: Netradicionnyj psihoanaliz. Izbrannye naucnye stati i vystuplenia na konferenciah, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Programmnoe Obespecenie Dusi Zensin, Rodivsihsa 10 Maa Ne Visokosnyh Godov, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Programmnoe Obespecenie Dusi Zensin, Rodivsihsa 25 Iula Visokosnyh Godov, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Personality in Psychology, Author: A. Nikitenko
Title: Psihologiya razvitiya i vozrastnaya psihologiya: Study book, Author: A.K. Bolotova
Title: Programmnoe Obespecenie Dusi Muzcin, Rodivsihsa 8 Aprela Ne Visokosnyh Godov, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Manipulativnye Rezimy Celoveka: Libo Ty Manipulator, Libo Ty Manipulant, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Socium Kak Soobsestvo Manipulatorov I Manipulantov, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Astrologia po Formule Struktury Mira(-Zdania). Teoreticeskaa psihologia., Author: Andrei Kolomiets
Title: TRUDNO BYT PRINCEM, Author: I.M. Krokhina
Title: Color in nature, business, fashion, painting, education and psychotherapy, Author: Anna Belaya
Title: Programmnoe Obespecenie Dusi Zensin, Rodivsihsa 6 Iuna Ne Visokosnyh Godov, Author: Andrey Davydov
Title: Test Szondi. Kompendium, Author: Vladimir Kvitko