Title: Defense Science Board Task Force Report: Force Protection in Urban and Unconventional Environments: Training Regime, Tactical Intelligence, Red Teaming, Role for Technology, SSTR Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Anchor of Resolve: A History of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / Fifth Fleet - NAVCENT, Desert Storm, Containing Iraq, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom and the Iraq War, Global War on Terrorism, Author: Progressive Management
Title: In the Wake of the Surge, Author: Michael J. Totten
Title: Liberating Kuwait: U.S. Marines in the Gulf War, 1990-1991, Iraq's Saddam Hussein and the Invasion of Kuwait, Defending Saudi Arabia, Air War, Scuds, al-Khafji, Harriers Afloat, Fratricide Issues, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Interagency Fratricide: Policy Failures in the Persian Gulf War and Bosnia Crisis - Rational Foreign Policy Decision Making Findings, National Security Council, Developing Endgame, Termination Policy, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Journal From Iraq: A Nurse's Story, Author: Deenie Laskey
Title: Assignment to Hell: The War Against Nazi Germany with Correspondents Walter Cronkite, Andy Rooney, A .J. Liebling, Homer Bigart, and Hal Boyle, Author: Timothy M. Gay
Title: With the 1st Marine Division in Iraq, 2003: No Greater Friend, No Worse Enemy - Marines of the Blue Diamond, Camp Pendleton, Iraq War to Oust Saddam Hussein, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Iraq Handbook: Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) - Observations, Insights, and Lessons, including Provincial Data and Guide to Provinces, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Iraq, Vietnam, and the Limits of American Power, Author: Robert K. Brigham
Title: Iraqi Perspectives Project: A View of Operation Iraqi Freedom from Saddam's Senior Leadership - Hussein's Distorted Worldview, Desert Storm, Regime Prepares for War, Baghdad Bob, Final Days, Author: Progressive Management
Title: U.S. Marines in the Global War on Terrorism: U.S. Marines in Iraq, 2003: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography - UAVs, Humint Exploitation Teams (HETs), Media Embeds, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 2015 Complete Guide to Operation Inherent Resolve: America's War Against the Islamic State, ISIS, ISIL Terrorists in Iraq and Syria, Leader al-Baghdadi, Levant, al-Qaeda in Syria, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Command in Air War: Centralized versus Decentralized Control of Combat Airpower - Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century VA Independent Study Course: A Guide to Gulf War Veterans' Health, Chemical and Biological Warfare, Vaccinations, Depleted Uranium, Infectious Diseases (Veterans Health Issues Series), Author: Progressive Management
Title: Desperate Lands: The War on Terror Through The Eyes of a Special Forces Soldier, Author: Regulo Zapata
Title: 66 Stories of Battle Command: Effects of Terrain, Mentally Preparing for Mission, Carousel of Deception, Obstacles, Simultaneous Attack, OPFOR Tactics, Bad Weather, Tactical Patience, JSTARS, BCT, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Final Report on Why the Afghan Security Forces Collapsed 2023, Author: US Government SIGAR

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