Title: Petros Duryan. Works/ ?????? ???????. ?????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????/, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Raffi. Samvel/ ?????. ???????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????/, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Gabriel Sundukyan: Plays/??????? ???????????. ???????: Classical spelling/??????? ??????????????, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Ghazaros Aghayan: Works/??????? ???????. ?????: Classical spelling/??????? ??????????????, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Arminei siro hamar [For the Love of Armine], Author: Abie Alexander
Title: Aksel Bakunts/ ????? ???????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Vahan Teryan. Works/ ????? ??????. ?????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????/, Author: Nver Virabyan/????? ????????
Title: Grigor Zohrap. Novels/ ?????? ??????. ????????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????, Author: Nver Virabyan
Title: Frik. Taghs/ ????. ?????: Classical spelling/ ??????? ??????????????, Author: Ashot Gabrielyan