Title: The Kelce Brothers: A Little Golden Book Biography, Author: Apple Jordan
Title: Priceless Facts about Money, Author: Mellody Hobson
Title: My Grandma and Me, Author: Mina Javaherbin
Title: Rebel Girls Dads and Daughters: 25 Tales of Teamwork and Fun, Author: Rebel Girls
Title: The Royal in You, Author: Jordan Raynor
Title: Aidan's Awesome Adventures, Author: Kimilee Bryant
Title: Black Girl, Black Girl, Author: Ali Kamanda
Title: We Celebrate the Light, Author: Jane Yolen
Title: Melanin Magic: A Young Mystic's Guide to African Spirituality, Author: Dossé-Via Trenou
Title: Amazing Facts: Kamala Harris, Author: Clive Gifford
Title: Rebel Girls Cook: 100+ Kid-Tested Recipes YOU Can Make, Share, and Enjoy!, Author: Rebel Girls Inc