Title: Catherine: The Portrait of an Empress, Author: Gina Kaus
Title: From October to Brest-Litovsk, Author: Leon Trotsky
Title: Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler: The Age of Social Catastrophe, Author: Robert Gellately
Title: Memoirs of Catherine the Great, Author: Catherine the Great
Title: Mind-sets and Missiles: A First Hand Account of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Author: Kenneth Michael Absher
Title: My Escapes: Escapes from Behind the Iron Curtain & Escapes from Myself, Author: Zoltan Bartok
Title: My Life: An Attempt at an Autobiography, Author: Leon Trotsky
Title: Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941, Author: Stephen Kotkin
Title: The New Russians, Author: Hedrick Smith
Title: Three Against One: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin vs Adolph Hitler, Author: Vance Stewart