Title: Sostoanie lesov mira 2016: Lesa i selskoe hozajstvo: problemy i vozmoznosti zemlepolzovania, Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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Title: CREATIVES AND INNOVATORS, Author: Miralda Kolombo
Title: A World Without Work: Technology, Automation, and How We Should, Author: Daniel Susskind
Title: Pereosmyslenie inzhenernogo obrazovaniya. Podhod CDIO, Author: E.F. Krouli
Title: Refleksivnye agenty i celovecestvo: kooperacia ili konflikt?, Author: ?.?. ??????
Title: Mehanizacia pervicnoj obrabotki i hranenia rastenievodceskoj produkcii, Author: S. K. Manasyan
Title: The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life, Author: Avinash K. Dixit
Title: 2018 Costoanie lesov mira: Puti k dostizeniu ustrojcivogo razvitia s ucetom znacenia lesov, Author: ????????????????? ? ???????????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????