Title: NASA Oral History Project: Part Two - Shuttle-Mir Space Station with Russian Cosmonauts and American Astronauts, Featuring Lopez-Alegria, Shannon Lucid, Precourt, Readdy, Thagard, Titov, David Wolf, Author: Progressive Management
Title: NASA International Space Station (ISS) Human Spaceflight Program: Commercial Resupply Services Contracts for Cargo including SpaceX Dragon, Orbital ATK, and Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser Spacecraft, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Summa technologiae, Author: Barbara Gill
Title: Atti del 2° convegno nazionale. Cultura navale e marittima transire mare 22-23 settembre 2016, Author: a cura di Maria Carola Morozzo della Rocca e Franc Tiboni
Title: Just Culture. Safety Report: atteggiamenti e comportamenti dei professionisti, Author: Giacomo Dusi
Title: The Right to Fly, Author: George Sand
Title: Cubesat Constellations, Clusters & Swarm, Author: Patrick H. Stakem
Title: Introduction to Spacecraft Control Centers, Author: Patrick H. Stakem
Title: NASA's Management and Development of Spacesuits: Critical Report of the Inspector General, Shortage of Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMUs) for Space Station, Development of Exploration and Mars Suits, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Human Adaptation to Space Flight: The Role of Nutrition - Conducting Research on the ISS Space Station, Energy Metabolism, Muscle, Protein, Bone and Cardiovascular Health, Eyes and Ophthalmic Changes, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Hidden Figures Young Readers' Edition, Author: Margot Lee Shetterly
Title: SPACE2017: Das aktuelle Raumfahrtjahr mit Chronik 2016, Author: Eugen Reichl
Title: Aerospace Manufacturing: How the Aviation Industry Shaped American Manufacturing, Author: Carter Mathews
Title: The Gravity Well, Author: Stephen Sandford
Title: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Author: Carmine Cifaldi
Title: NASA Report: Aeronautics and Space Report of the President - Fiscal Year 2015 Activities - Human Exploration, International Space Station, Aeronautics, Science, Defense Dept., Other Federal Agencies, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Finding the Shape of Space - Future Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Technologies Preserving U.S. Military Freedom of Action in Space, Full Motion Video, Networks, Scramjet Access, Carbon Nanotubes, Author: Progressive Management
Title: NASA Human Spaceflight Astronaut Health Research for Exploration and Manned Mars Missions, Risk Report WSN-07, Human Computer Interaction, Task Design, Injury from Dynamic Loads, Food System Illness, Author: Progressive Management
Title: NASA Human Spaceflight Astronaut Health Research for Exploration and Manned Mars Missions, Risk Report WSN-04, Vestibular Sensorimotor Alterations, Reduced Muscle Mass, Strength, Inadequate Nutrition, Author: Progressive Management
Title: NASA Human Spaceflight Astronaut Health Research for Exploration and Manned Mars Missions, Risk Report WSN-05, EVA Spacewalk Injury, Orthostatic Intolerance, Hypobaric Hypoxia, Lunar Dust Exposure, Author: Progressive Management

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