Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program - Oral Histories of Managers, Engineers, and Workers (Set 3) - including Jay Greene, Griffin, Milt Heflin, Holloway, Jeffs, Kelly (Lunar Module Manager), Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program - Oral Histories of Managers, Engineers, and Workers (Set 4) - including Kohrs, Eugene Kranz, Seymour Liebergot, Robert McCall, Dale Myers, John O'Neill, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program - Oral Histories of Managers, Engineers, and Workers (Set 5) - including Edward Pavelka, William Reeves, Robert Seamans, and Joseph Shea, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program - Oral Histories of Managers, Engineers, and Workers (Set 6) Brock Stone, Ernst Stuhlinger, von Ehrenfried, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Apollo Meteoroid Shielding Design and Analysis at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Apollo Terminology - Comprehensive Dictionary of Aerospace Terms and Acronyms, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Astronaut Oral Histories, Group 1, including Anders, Armstrong, Bean, Borman, Cernan, Collins, Cunningham, Duke, Evans, Gordon, Haise, Mattingly, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Astronaut Oral Histories, Group 2, including Lovell, McDivitt, Mitchell, Schirra, Schmitt, Schweickart, Shepard, Stafford, and Worden, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Lunar Module Touchdown Dynamics, An Analysis and a Historical Review of the Apollo Program, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Lunar Scientist Oral Histories, including George Carruthers, Edgar Cortright, Farouk El-Baz, James Head, Wilmot Hess, William Muehlberger, Leon Silver, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: NASA Recommendations to Space-Faring Entities - How to Protect and Preserve the Historic and Scientific Value of U.S. Government Lunar Artifacts, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: On The Moon With Apollo 16 - A Guidebook to the Descartes Region, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program: Saturn V Flight Manual, Astronaut's Guide to the Apollo Moon Rocket, plus Flight Safety Plan and Review of Pogo Problems (Part 1), Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo by the Numbers: A Statistical Reference, Author: Richard W. Orloff
Title: Apollo Medical Operations Project: Recommendations to Improve Crew Health and Performance for Future Exploration Missions and Lunar Surface Operations - EVA, Food, Hygiene, Illness, Radiation Issues, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Apollo-Soyuz Test Project (ASTP) American and Soviet Press Kits - Detailed Information on the First Joint U.S. and Russian Spaceflight, Docking Module, Experiments, Soyuz Capsule, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Application of Advances in Telemedicine for Long-Duration Space Flight: Robotic Telepresence and Teletrauma Support, Body Sensors, Security, Field Testing on Mt. Everest, Video Consultations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Archie to SAM: A Short Operational History of Ground-Based Air Defense, From Guns to Missiles, Ballistic Missile Defense, Star Wars, Patriot, PAC-3, Arrow, Naval Developments, THAAD, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Architects of American Air Supremacy: General Hap Arnold and Dr. Theodore von Karman - Conceptualizing the Future Air Force, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Army Ballistic Missile Programs at Cape Canaveral 1953 through 1988: Research Using V-1 and V-2, Redstone, Jupiter, Pershing Missile Programs, Range Control, Radar Tracking, Overcast, Paperclip, Author: Progressive Management

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