Title: A story about life. The beginning of an unknown age. Book 3, Author: Konstantin Paustovsky
Title: A story about life. Throw to the south. Book 5, Author: Konstantin Paustovsky
Title: A story about life. Restless youth. Book 2, Author: Konstantin Paustovsky
Title: A story about life. The book is wandering. Book 6, Author: Konstantin Paustovsky
Title: A story about life. Distant years. Book 1, Author: Konstantin Paustovsky
Title: Fyodor Abramov: Ranenoe serdce, Author: Oleg Trushin
Title: Groznyj. Budennovsk. Tshinval. Donbass, Author: Alexsandr Sladkov
Title: Pri svete Zhukovskogo: Ocherki istorii russkoi literatury, Author: Andrey Nemzer