Title: The Bible Abridged: Key scriptures with commentary, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: La Biblia abreviada: Pasajes clave con comentarios, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: Die Bibel Gekürzte: Wichtige Schriften mit Kommentaren, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: De Bijbel Verkort: Belangrijke geschriften met commentaar, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: La Bibbia Abbreviata: Scritture chiave con commenti, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: La Bible Abrégée: Écritures clés avec commentaire, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: Los Salmos: Canciones de Alegría y Confort: Clasificado, en lenguaje sencillo, Author: Harold Lerch
Title: Os Salmos: Canções de Alegria e Conforto: Categorizado, em linguagem simples, Author: Harold Lerch
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Title: Full 81 Letter Bible Emergency Edition, Author: Okp Charlee
Title: Hitchcock's Interpreting Bible (King James Version) with a Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Author: Roswell D. Hitchcock
Title: Hitchcock's Interpreting New Testament (Twentieth Century) with a Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names, Author: Roswell D. Hitchcock

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