Fantasy and sci-fi author Tad Williams (b. 1957) has written numerous novels and story collections that have been translated into more than 20 languages. He is the author of the Otherland and Shadowmarch series, as well as the standalone books Tailchaser’s Song, The War of the Flowers, Caliban’s Hour, and Child of an Ancient City. He has also worked on comic books and a young adult series with his wife, Deborah. He lives in California.

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Der glücklichste tote Junge der Welt: Orlando Gardiners Geschichte
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Matthias Koeberlin
Audiobook (Unabridged) $14.62
. Price is $14.62 . You save %.

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Title: Shadowplay (Shadowmarch Series #2), Author: Tad Williams
Title: Shadowplay (Shadowmarch Series #2), Author: Tad Williams
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Die Drachen der Tinkerfarm (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $18.81
. Price is $18.81 . You save %.

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Die Drachen der Tinkerfarm (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $18.81
. Price is $18.81 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

Title: Shadowrise (Shadowmarch Series #3), Author: Tad Williams
Title: Der Drachenbeinthron (The Dragonbone Chair), Author: Tad Williams
Title: Shadowrise (Shadowmarch Series #3), Author: Tad Williams
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Shadowplay: Shadowmarch: Volume II
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Dick Hill
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


. Price is $48.99 . You save %.
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Shadowrise: Shadowmarch: Volume III
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Dick Hill
#3 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


. Price is $46.99 . You save %.
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Shadowmarch: Shadowmarch: Volume I
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Dick Hill
#1 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


. Price is $46.99 . You save %.
Title: Shadowheart (Shadowmarch Series #4), Author: Tad Williams
#4 in Series
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Shadowheart: Shadowmarch: Volume IV
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Dick Hill
#4 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged)


. Price is $48.99 . You save %.
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Otherland: Fluß aus blauem Feuer (Abridged)
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Sophie Rois, Peter Mati
Audiobook (Abridged) $21.96
. Price is $21.96 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Die Geheimnisse der Tinkerfarm (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $18.81
. Price is $18.81 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Otherland: Stadt der goldenen Schatten (Abridged)
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Nina Hoss, Sophie Rois
Audiobook (Abridged) $21.96
. Price is $21.96 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Otherland: Berg aus schwarzem Glas (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $21.96
. Price is $21.96 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Otherland: Meer des silbernen Lichts (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $21.96
. Price is $21.96 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Die Geheimnisse der Tinkerfarm (Abridged)
Audiobook (Abridged) $18.81
. Price is $18.81 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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Created with Sketch.

Otherland: Stadt der goldenen Schatten (Abridged)
by Tad Williams
Narrated by  Nina Hoss, Sophie Rois
Audiobook (Abridged) $21.96
. Price is $21.96 . You save %.

FREE with a B&N Audiobooks Subscription trial!

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