Richard Osman is an author, producer, and television presenter. His novels, The Thursday Murder Club, The Man Who Died Twice, and The Bullet That Missed were number one, million-copy international bestsellers as well as New York Times bestsellers. He lives in London with his wife Ingrid and Liesl the cat.

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1- 20 of 40 results
Title: A csütörtöki nyomozóklub, Author: Richard Osman
Title: A férfi, aki kétszer halt meg, Author: Richard Osman
Title: Az eltéved golyó, Author: Richard Osman
#3 in Series
Title: Az utolsó ördög, Author: Richard Osman
#4 in Series
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Cz¿owiek, który umar¿ dwa razy
by Richard Osman
Narrated by  Filip Kosior
Audiobook (Unabridged) $13.99
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Der Donnerstagsmordclub (Der Donnerstagsmordclub 1)
#1 in Series
Audiobook (Abridged) $16.20
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Der Donnerstagsmordclub oder Ein Teufel stirbt immer zuletzt (Die Mordclub-Serie 4) (Abridged)
#4 in Series
Audiobook (Abridged) $16.20
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Title: Der Donnerstagsmordclub oder Ein Teufel stirbt immer zuletzt: Kriminalroman diese Bestseller-Reihe hält nicht nur Rekorde, sondern auch jung, Author: Richard Osman
Title: Der Donnerstagsmordclub und die verirrte Kugel (Der Donnerstagsmordclub 3), Author: Richard Osman
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Der Mann, der zweimal starb (Der Donnerstagsmordclub 2)
#2 in Series
Audiobook (Unabridged) $30.24
. Price is $30.24 . You save %.

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Title: El Club del Crim dels Dijous, Author: Richard Osman
Title: El Club del Crimen de los Jueves (Edición mexicana) (The Thursday Murder Club), Author: Richard Osman
Title: El dijous següent: Una novel·la del Club del Crim dels Dijous (The Man Who Died Twice), Author: Richard Osman
Title: El jueves siguiente (Edición mexicana): El Club del Crimen de los Jueves 2 (The Man Who Died Twice), Author: Richard Osman
Title: El misteri de la bala perduda, Author: Richard Osman
Title: El misterio de la bala perdidaEl Club del Crimen de los Jueves 3 (The Bullet That Missed), Author: Richard Osman
Title: El último en morir: Una novela del Club del Crimen de los Jueves, Author: Richard Osman
Title: El último en morir: Una novela del Club del Crimen de los Jueves (Libro 4) / The Last Devil to Die, Author: Richard Osman
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Kula, która chybi¿a
by Richard Osman
Narrated by  Filip Kosior
Audiobook (Unabridged) $13.99
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Title: L'últim a morir, Author: Richard Osman

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