Paulo Coelho, born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947, is one of the bestselling and most influential authors in the world. The Alchemist, The Valkyries, Brida, The Fifth Mountain, Eleven Minutes, The Zahir, The Witch of Portobello, Veronika Decides to Die, The Winner Stands Alone, Aleph, Adultery, and Hippie, among others, have sold over 320 million copies worldwide.

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Title: Valquirias, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: El Zahir: Una novela de obsesion, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Il diavolo e la signorina Prym, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Der Sieger Bleibt Allein, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Veronika decide di morire, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Brida (German Edition), Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Veronika décide de mourir, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Sulla sponda del fiume Piedra mi sono seduta e ho pianto, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Aleph (en español), Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Manuale del guerriero della luce, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Il dono supremo, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Hippie (en español), Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Le Zahir, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: La strega di Portobello, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Le pèlerin de Compostelle, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: La cinquième montagne, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Auf dem Jakobsweg: Tagebuch einer Pilgerreise nach Santiago de Compostela, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Die Hexe von Portobello, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: A zarándoklat, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Der Fünfte Berg, Author: Paulo Coelho

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