The award-winning novelist Morgan Llywelyn writes historical fiction, historical fantasy, and also historical non-fiction. Since 1980, she has created an entire body of work chronicling the Celts and Ireland, from the earliest times to the present day. The Irish Century is her five-novel historical fiction series beginning with 1916 and ending with1999. Other popular books include Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish and Only the Stones Survive. She is an Irish citizen and lives in Dublin.

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Title: 1972: A Novel of Ireland's Unfinished Revolution, Author: Morgan Llywelyn
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#7 in Series
Title: The Elementals, Author: Morgan Llywelyn
Title: Bard: The Odyssey of the Irish, Author: Morgan Llywelyn
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Title: Drop by Drop (Step by Step Series #1), Author: Morgan Llywelyn
Title: 1999: A Novel of the Celtic Tiger and the Search for Peace, Author: Morgan Llywelyn

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