Donna Andrews is the author of the avian-themed Meg Langslow cozy mystery series, including Die Like an Eagle, Lord of the Wings, The Hen of the Baskervilles, and other novels. She has won the Agatha, Anthony, and Barry Awards, as well as a Romantic Times Award for Best First Novel.

1- 4 of 4 results
Title: Alle Vögel sind schon tot: Meg Langslows zweiter Fall, Author: Donna Andrews
Title: Komische Vögel sterben tragisch: Meg Langslows erster Fall, Author: Donna Andrews
Title: Böse Vögel lassen Federn: Meg Langslows vierter Fall, Author: Donna Andrews
Title: Schräge Vögel sterben schneller: Meg Langslows dritter Fall, Author: Donna Andrews