Christopher Paolini is best known as the author of the Inheritance Cycle, a bestselling series comprised of the four books Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance. Paolini wrote Eragon shortly after graduating high school at age 15. He is working on a new science fiction novel and intends on writing another book set in the world of the Inheritance Cycle.

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Title: O garfo, a bruxa, e o dragão: Contos de Alagaësia: Eragon, volume 1, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Eldest: Cicle El Llegat II, Author: Christopher Paolini
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Title: Murtagh. El món d'Eragon V, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Eragon: Ciclo A Herança I, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: L'héritage: Cycle de l'héritage IV, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Ruídos de outro mundo, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: INFINITUM - Die Ewigkeit der Sterne: Roman, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: La fourchette, la sorcière et le dragon: La Fourchette, la sorcière et le dragon, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Die Gabel, die Hexe und der Wurm. Geschichten aus Alagaësia. Band 1: Eragon: Die Eragon-Saga, Author: Christopher Paolini
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Title: Eragon: Das Vermächtnis der Drachenreiter (Die Eragon-Saga #1), Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Álmok a csillagok közt 2., Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Eragon: Cycle de l'héritage I, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Eldest: Ciclo el legado II, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Vorab-Leseprobe: Murtagh: Sneak Peak in das lang-ersehnte neue Fantasy-Abenteuer in Eragons Welt, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Brisingr: Cicle El Llegat III, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Murtagh. El mundo de Eragon V, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Brisingr: Ciclo el legado III, Author: Christopher Paolini
Title: Murtagh - Eine dunkle Bedrohung: Das große neue Fantasyabenteuer in Eragons Welt. - Deutsche Ausgabe, Author: Christopher Paolini

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