Aiden Thomas is a trans, Latinx, New York Times Bestselling Author with an MFA in Creative Writing from Mills College. Their works include Cemetery Boys and Lost in the Never Woods. Originally from Oakland, California, they now make their home in Portland, OR. Aiden is notorious for not being able to guess the endings of books and movies, and organizes their bookshelves by color.

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Title: Celestial Monsters (B&N Exclusive Edition), Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: The Sunbearer Trials, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Cemetery Boys, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Lost in the Never Woods, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Perdidos en Nunca Jamás / Lost in the Never Woods, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Las pruebas del Sol, Author: Aiden Thomas
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Yadriel & Julian - Cemetery Boys
by Aiden Thomas
Narrated by  Dirk Petrick
Audiobook (Unabridged) $27.20
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SOL. Das Spiel der Zehn
by Aiden Thomas
Narrated by  Dirk Petrick
Audiobook (Unabridged) $27.20
. Price is $27.2 . You save %.

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Title: Les Disparus du Pays imaginaire (e-book), Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Propavshie v lesah Netlandii, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Wendy & Peter. Verloren im Nimmerwald / Lost in the Never Woods, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Los chicos del cementerio / Cemetery Boys, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: O desafio dos semideuses (Vol. 1 Portadores do Sol), Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Cemetery Boys (Italian Edition), Author: Aiden Thomas
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Cemetery Boys
by Aiden Thomas
Narrated by  Loïc Richard
Audiobook (Unabridged) $19.99
. Price is $19.99 . You save %.

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Title: Malchiki s kladbischa, Author: Aiden Thomas
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SOL. Die Rache der Obsidians
by Aiden Thomas
Narrated by  Dirk Petrick
Audiobook (Unabridged) $27.20
. Price is $27.2 . You save %.

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Title: Monstruos Celestiales, Author: Aiden Thomas
Title: Yadriel und Julian. Cemetery Boys, Author: Aiden Thomas