Aaron Blabey has written many well-loved, bestselling books for children. He is the creator of three hugely successful series for children – the New York Times bestselling The Bad Guys, Pig the Pug, and Thelma the Unicorn. The Bad Guys movie released in 2022. It was produced by DreamWorks Animation with Aaron serving as an executive producer on the project. Aaron's books have won many awards, including nine REAL Awards, an Indie Book Award for Children's Book of the Year, a Children's Book Council of Australia–Book of the Year Award, NSW Premiers Literary Award for Children's Literature, two Australian Book Design Awards, and a Children's Peace Literature Award.

Title: Los tipos malos (The Bad Guys), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: I Need a Hug / Necesito un abrazo (Scholastic Bilingual), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el ascenso del Señor Oscuro (The Bad Guys in Dawn of the Underlord), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el conejillo contraataca (The Bad Guys in the Furball Strikes Back), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en combustible intergaláctico (The Bad Guys in Intergalactic Gas), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho el campeón (Pig the Winner), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el gran lobo feroz (The Bad Guys in the Big Bad Wolf), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en supermalos (The Bad Guys in Superbad), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el peor día del mundo (The Bad Guys in the Baddest Day Ever), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en misión improbable (The Bad Guys in Mission Unpluckable), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el ataque de los zombigatitos (Bad Guys in Attack of the Zittens), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho el pug (Pig the Pug), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho el rebelde (Pig the Rebel), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho la estrella (Pig the Star), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en ¡¿ustedes-creen-que-él-saurio?! (The Bad Guys in Do-You-Think-He-Saurus?!), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en el alienígena vs los tipos malos (The Bad Guys in Alien vs Bad Guys), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Las piranas no comen bananas / Piranhas Don't Eat Bananas, Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Los tipos malos en ¡¿la Elegida?! (The Bad Guys in the One?!), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho el mentiroso (Pig the Fibber), Author: Aaron Blabey
Title: Chancho el apestoso (Pig the Stinker), Author: Aaron Blabey

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