Title: Speaking of America: United States Presidents and the Words That Changed History, Author: Jared Cohen
Title: Chasing Lincoln's Killer, Author: James L. Swanson
Title: Who Was George Washington?, Author: Roberta Edwards
Title: Who Was John F. Kennedy?, Author: Yona Zeldis McDonough
Title: V Is for Voting, Author: Kate Farrell
Title: Who Was Alexander Hamilton?, Author: Pam Pollack
Title: One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote, Author: Bonnie Worth
Title: Who Was Thomas Jefferson?, Author: Dennis Brindell Fradin
Title: Who Is Jimmy Carter?, Author: David Stabler
Title: Who Was Theodore Roosevelt?, Author: Michael Burgan
Title: Lincoln's Grave Robbers, Author: Steve Sheinkin
Title: George Washington and the General's Dog (Step into Reading Book Series: A Step 3 Book), Author: Frank Murphy
Title: Ronald Reagan: A Little Golden Book Biography, Author: Lisa Rogers
Title: What's the Big Deal About Elections, Author: Ruby Shamir
Title: Baby Loves Political Science: Democracy!, Author: Ruth Spiro
Title: If I Were President, Author: Catherine Stier
Title: When You Grow Up to Vote: How Our Government Works for You, Author: Eleanor Roosevelt
Title: Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln: The Story of the Gettysburg Address, Author: Jean Fritz
Title: Freedom's Children: Young Civil Rights Activists Tell Their Own Stories, Author: Ellen S. Levine
Title: Who Was Franklin Roosevelt?, Author: Margaret Frith

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