Title: Thomas Jefferson (American Presidents Series), Author: Joyce Appleby
Title: John Quincy Adams (American Presidents Series), Author: Robert V. Remini
Title: General George Washington: A Military Life, Author: Edward G. Lengel
Title: George Washington (American Presidents Series), Author: James MacGregor Burns
Title: George Washington: The Forge of Experience (1732-1775), Author: James Thomas Flexner
Title: John Adams (American Presidents Series), Author: John Patrick Diggins
Title: Benjamin Franklin, Author: Edwin S. Gaustad
Title: Jefferson the President: First Term, 1801-1805: Jefferson and His Time, Volume 4, Author: Dumas Malone
Title: Jefferson and the Ordeal of Liberty: Jefferson and His Time, Volume 3, Author: Dumas Malone
Title: Jefferson and the Rights of Man: Jefferson and His Time, Volume 2, Author: Dumas Malone
Title: Jefferson the Virginian: Jefferson and His Time, Volume 1, Author: Dumas Malone
Title: George Washington: Anguish and Farewell (1793-1799), Author: James Thomas Flexner
Title: George Washington, Author: Thomas Langston
Title: James Madison (American Presidents Series), Author: Garry Wills
Title: Patrick Henry: First Among Patriots, Author: Thomas S Kidd