Title: Cold War: Primary Sources, Author: Richard C. Hanes
Title: Cuban Missile Crisis, Author: Helga Schier
Title: Operation Desert Storm, Author: Martin Gitlin
Title: Bombing of Pearl Harbor, Author: Sue Bradford Edwards
Title: The Cold War, Author: Paul Harrison
Title: Uprooted: The Japanese American Experience During World War II, Author: Albert Marrin
Title: US-Led Wars in Iraq, 1991-Present, Author: Jim Gallagher
Title: Boots on the Ground: America's War in Vietnam, Author: Elizabeth Partridge
Title: World War II: From the Rise of the Nazi Party to the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb, Author: Diane Taylor
Title: The Space Race: How the Cold War Put Humans on the Moon, Author: Matthew Brenden Wood
Title: Blacklisted!: Hollywood, the Cold War, and the First Amendment, Author: Larry Dane Brimner