Title: The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness, Author: Simon Wiesenthal
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Title: The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World, Author: Desmond Tutu
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Title: Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible, Author: Matthew West
Title: A Course In Miracles Workbook For Dummies, Author: Thomas Wakechild
Title: Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy, Author: Donald B Kraybill
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Title: Danger: Fishing in the Sea of Forgetfulness, Author: Perry Stone
Title: NINE DAYS: Living With My Soul Wide Open After Violent Trauma, Author: Michelle Renee
Title: Beyond the Brokenness: The Adventurous Heart of an Amish Girl:, Author: Rebekah Hope
Title: Beyond Shame and Pain, Author: John Berecz
Title: Unshackled: Breaking the Strongholds of Your Past to Receive Complete Deliverance, Author: Kathy DeGraw
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Title: Who Hurt You?, Author: Linda K. Gibson-Lewis
Title: The Bridge to Forgiveness: Stories and Prayers for Finding God and Restoring Wholeness, Author: Karyn D. Kedar
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Title: The J29 Experience: Standing in Exile, Author: Stephanie Lowe
Title: Hostage in Taipei: A True Story of Forgiveness and Hope, Author: McGill Alexander
Title: The Bible on Forgiveness, Author: Donald E Gowan
Title: I Forgave Him, Now What?: Putting the Pieces of Life Back Together, Author: Tynietta Congo
Title: Just Believe.: Reasons Why Your Faith Matter, Author: Robert Marshall
Title: The Sacred Art of Forgiveness: Forgiving Ourselves and Others through God's Grace, Author: Marcia Ford
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Title: The Rebirth: Life After, Author: Rhonda Anita
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