Best of 2024 (So Far)
Title: The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI, Author: Ray Kurzweil
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Title: Discovering Daniel: Finding Our Hope in God's Prophetic Plan Amid Global Chaos, Author: Amir Tsarfati
Title: On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything, Author: Nate Silver
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Title: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Author: Malcolm  Gladwell
Best Books of 2022
Title: The Return of the Gods, Author: Jonathan Cahn
Title: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Author: Yuval Noah Harari
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Title: The Day of the LORD is at Hand: 7th Edition - Behold, he cometh with clouds: and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred's of the earth shall wail because of him., Author: Benjamin Baruch
Title: The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End, Author: Neil Howe
Title: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, Author: Yuval Noah Harari
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Title: Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents-and What They Mean for America's Future, Author: Jean M. Twenge PhD
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Title: The Sixth Extinction (10th Anniversary Edition): An Unnatural History, Author: Elizabeth  Kolbert
Title: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (With a new section:
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Title: The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to be Rapture Ready, Author: David Jeremiah
Title: The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail--but Some Don't, Author: Nate Silver
Paperback $17.99 $20.00 Current price is $17.99, Original price is $20.00.
Title: The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse, Author: David Jeremiah
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Title: Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America, Author: Qiao Liang
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Title: Superconvergence: How the Genetics, Biotech, and AI Revolutions Will Transform our Lives, Work, and World, Author: Jamie Metzl
Title: The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves, Author: Matt Ridley
Title: Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, Author: Nick Bostrom
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