Title: Rose Swallow Odibaajimowin imaa Chisaasibiing: The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi, Author: Ruth DyckFehderau
Title: Bronzeworkers in the Athenian Agora, Author: Carol C. Mattusch
Title: Demeter and Persephone in Ancient Corinth, Author: Nancy Bookidis
Title: Socrates in the Agora, Author: Mabel Lang
Title: Emily Wesley Odibaajimowin imaa Ozhibogamong: The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou, Author: Ruth DyckFehderau
Title: Jonathan Linton Odibaajimowin imaa Mistaasiniing: The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini, Author: Ruth DyckFehderau
Title: Preliminary Reports of ASOR-Sponsored Excavations 1981-83, Author: Walter E. Rast
Title: Prehistoric Arizona, Author: Ernest E. Snyder
Title: State and Varna Formation in the Mid-Ganga Plains: An Ethnoarchaeological View, Author: R.S. Sharma
Title: Lerna in the Argolid / Edition 2, Author: E. T. Blackburn
Title: The Real Facts about Ethiopia, Author: J. A. Rogers
Title: The Stoa of Attalos II in Athens, Author: Homer A. Thompson
Title: Jennifer Gloria Lowpez Odibaajimowin imaa Waaswaanibiing: The Story of Jennifer Gloria Lowpez of Waswanipi, Author: Ruth DyckFehderau
Title: A Dissertation Upon the Political History of the Elephant, Author: W. Augustus Schlegel