Title: You're God's Girl!: A Devotional for Tweens, Author: Wynter Pitts
Title: God's Wisdom for Little Girls: Virtues and Fun from Proverbs 31, Author: Elizabeth George
Title: A Girl's Guide to Best Friends and Mean Girls, Author: Dannah Gresh
Title: Sad Isn't Bad: A Good-grief Guidebook for Kids Dealing with Loss, Author: Michaelene Mundy
Title: The Sweetest Story Bible: Sweet Thoughts and Sweet Words for Little Girls, Author: Diane Stortz
Title: Big Truths for Little Kids: Teaching Your Children to Live for God, Author: Susan Hunt
Title: What Happens When Someone Dies?: A Child's Guide to Death and Funerals, Author: Michaelene Mundy
Title: O Christmas Tree: Its History and Holiday Traditions, Author: Jacqueline Farmer
Title: “Mama, What Does Foster Mean?”, Author: Amanda Hetrick Keith
Title: God's Gems, Author: Lynne Borow
Title: The Lost Shepherd, Author: June Wood
Title: When Your Pet Dies: A Healing Handbook for Kids, Author: Victoria Ryan
Title: Learning about Virtues: A Guide to Making Good Decisions, Author: Juliette Garesché Dages
Title: Under the Rose Apple Tree, Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Title: Read and Learn, Author: Dunmore Mazonde
Title: When Mom and Dad Divorce: A Kid's Resource, Author: Emily Menendez-Aponte
Title: The Wonders of Billy Sniggles, Author: Cathlene Milton
Title: I Love You to God and Back: A Mother and Child Can Find Faith and Love Through Bedtime Prayers, Author: Amanda Lamb
Title: Fit Can Be Fun!: A Kid's Guide to Healthy Choices, Author: J. S. Jackson
Title: Celtic Fairy Tales, Author: Joseph Jacobs

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