Title: From Mainline to Sideline: The Social Witness of the National Council of Churches, Author: K. L. Billingsley
Title: A Heritage in Crisis: Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We're Going in the Churches of Christ, Author: Ralph K. Hawkins
Title: Borderless - Envisioning and Experiencing One Church Community of Believers Without Walls, Borders and Denominations: From the first Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit has proven that He will only come to the degree that we have unity, Author: Ambassador Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
Title: Born Apart, Becoming One: Disciples Defeating Racism, Author: William Chris Hobgood
Title: Interpreting Disciples: Practical Theology in the Disciples of Christ, Author: L. Dale Richesin
Title: TB Joshua Le proph�te incompris et mal repr�sent� � SCOAN, Author: Ambassador Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
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Title: Sin fronteras - Env isioning y vive una comunidad de creyentes Iglesia sin muros, fronteras y denominaciones: Desde el primer d�a de Pentecost�s, el Esp�ritu Santo ha demostrado que solo llegar� al grado en que tengamos unidad
Title: And Then Came the Angel: Gospel Sermons for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany (Cycle A), Author: William B Kincaid
Title: Disciples and Theology, Author: Stephen V Sprinkle
Title: Perfect Church Ministry: Ministry Jesus WAY: True Story of Pastor Jude Jones who FAINTED during a 50,000 member Service:His Encounter in the Courtroom of Heaven, Author: Ambassador Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
Title: Awesome Families: The Promise of Healing Relationships in the International Churches of Christ, Author: Kathleen E. Jenkins
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Title: Sem fronteiras Envisionando e experimentando Uma Comunidade Igreja dos Crentes Sem paredes, Fronteiras e Denomina��es: Desde o primeiro dia de Pentecostes, o Esp�rito Santo provou que Ele s� vir� na medida em que tivermos unidade
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Title: Revive Us Again: Vision and Action in Moral Organizing, Author: William J. Barber II
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Title: Senza bordo - Env isioning e vivendo uno Community Church di Credenti Senza muri, Bordi e Denominazioni: Dal primo giorno di Pentecoste, lo Spirito Santo ha dimostrato che Egli giunger� solo nella misura in cui abbiamo unit�
Title: Sem no��o - V� e fa�a disc�pulos:

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