Title: Middlesex (Pulitzer Prize Winner), Author: Jeffrey Eugenides
Title: The Priest Fainted: A Novel, Author: Catherine Temma Davidson
Title: The Odyssey of Kostas Volakis, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: Collected Stories, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: A Dream of Kings: A Novel, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: Let Me Explain You: A Novel, Author: Annie Liontas
Title: Small Bird Tell Me: Stories Of Greek Immigrants, Author: Helen Papanikolas
Title: After The War, Author: Richard Marius
Title: Legends of Glory and Other Stories, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: THE ANATOLIAN, Author: Elia Kazan
Title: Nick the Greek, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: Twilight of the Ice, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: The Orchards of Ithaca, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: Days of Vengeance, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis
Title: Ghost of the Sun, Author: Harry Mark Petrakis