Title: To Kill a Mockingbird, Author: Harper Lee
Title: The Lincoln Lawyer (Lincoln Lawyer Series #1), Author: Michael Connelly
Title: The Firm, Author: John Grisham
Title: Presumed Innocent, Author: Scott Turow
Title: The Gods of Guilt (Lincoln Lawyer Series #5), Author: Michael Connelly
Title: The Quiet Game (Penn Cage Series #1), Author: Greg Iles
Title: The Fall, Author: Albert Camus
Title: The Witness, Author: Sandra Brown
Title: A Time to Kill, Author: John Grisham
Title: Snow Falling on Cedars: A Novel (PEN/Faulkner Award), Author: David Guterson
Title: Bleak House, Author: Charles Dickens
Title: Dissolution (Matthew Shardlake Series #1), Author: C. J. Sansom
Title: The Street Lawyer, Author: John Grisham
Title: The Client, Author: John Grisham
Title: The Partner, Author: John Grisham
Title: Mercy, Author: Jodi Picoult
Title: The Rainmaker, Author: John Grisham
Title: Matar a un ruiseñor / To Kill a Mockingbird, Author: Harper Lee
Title: Final Appeal: A Novel, Author: Lisa Scottoline
Title: The Pelican Brief, Author: John Grisham

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