Title: A Cold Day for Murder, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: A Fatal Thaw, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Hunter's Moon, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Killing Grounds, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Split Tooth, Author: Tanya Tagaq
Title: The Wolf in the Whale, Author: Jordanna Max Brodsky
Title: Play With Fire, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Though Not Dead (Kate Shugak Series #18), Author: DANA STABENOW
Title: Midnight Come Again (Kate Shugak Series #10), Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Breakup, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: A Deeper Sleep (Kate Shugak Series #15), Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: A Cold Blooded Business, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Whisper to the Blood (Kate Shugak Series #16), Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: A Taint in the Blood (Kate Shugak Series #14), Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: A Fine and Bitter Snow (Kate Shugak Series #12), Author: DANA STABENOW
Title: A Grave Denied, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: Blood Will Tell, Author: Dana Stabenow
Title: In the Land of White Nights, Author: Bonnie Leon
Title: Return to the Misty Shore, Author: Bonnie Leon
Title: Children of the Frost, Author: Jack London

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