Title: The Juvenile Pianist (1836), Author: A. Rodwell
Title: Substance of Several Courses of Lectures on Music (1831), Author: William Crotch
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Title: Singing for Schools and Congregations (1852): A Grammar of Vocal Music with a Course of Lessons and Exercises, Author: John Curwen
Title: Plan for Teaching Music to a Child (1882), Author: Frederick Inman
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Title: A Musical Grammar in Four Parts (1806; 3rd ed. 1817), Author: J.W. Calcott
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Title: Historical Anthology of Music, Volume I: Oriental, Medieval, and Renaissance Music: Revised Edition / Edition 1, Author: Archibald T. Davison
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Title: Music to My Eyes, Author: Alfred Bendiner
Title: Deutsche Volkslieder. Balladen. Band 3, Hälfte 3, Author: Erich Seemann
Title: On the Sensation of Tone, Author: Hermann Helmholtz

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