Title: Sing to Victory! (RUS): Song in Soviet Society during World War II, Author: Suzanne Ament
Title: The voice of technology: Soviet cinema's transition to sound, 1928-1935, Author: Lilia Kaganovsky
Title: In Search ?f the True Russia: The Provinces in Contemporary Nationalist Discourse, Author: Lyudmila Parts
Title: She Animates: Soviet Female Subjectivity in Russian Animation, Author: Lora Mjolsness Michele Leigh
Title: Spaces of Creativity (RUS): Essays on Russian Literature and the Arts, Author: Ksana Blank
Title: Screening Enlightenment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan, Author: Hiroshi Kitamura
Title: In Stravinsky's Orbit: Responses to Modernismin Russian Paris, Author: Klára Móricz
Title: The Cinema of the Soviet Thaw: Space, Materiality, Movement, Author: Lida Oukaderova
Title: Vagabonding Masks (RUS): The Italian Commedia dell'Arte in the Russian Artistic Imagination, Author: Olga Partan
Title: Music of the Renaissance: Imagination and Reality of a Cultural Practice, Author: Laurenz Lütteken
Title: Cinema for Russian Conversation, Volume 1 / Edition 1, Author: Olga Kagan
Title: Performing Tsarist Russia in New York: Music, Émigrés, and the American Imagination, Author: Natalie K. Zelensky
Title: Essays in Russian Literary and Musical Culture, Author: Caryl Emerson
Title: Medieval Music and the Art of Memory, Author: Anna Maria Busse Berger
Title: Fade from Red: The Cold War Ex-Enemy in Russian and American Film 1990-2005, Author: Margaret B. Goscilo Helena Goscilo