Title: The Strongest Tribe: War, Politics, and the Endgame in Iraq, Author: Bing West
Title: Why the Iraqi Resistance to the Coalition Invasion Was So Weak, Author: Stephen T. Hosmer
Title: This Fertile Land: Signs and Symbols in the Early Arts of Iran and Iraq, Author: MC Root
Title: A Switch in Time: A New Strategy for America in Iraq, Author: Kenneth M. Pollack
Title: Iraq: Eastern Flank of the Arab World, Author: Christine Moss Helms
Title: RAF Jaguar Units in Combat, Author: Michael Napier Pre-Order Now
Title: Iraq: A History, Author: John Robertson
Title: Harsh Lessons: Iraq, Afghanistan and the Changing Character of War, Author: Ben Barry
Title: Op ration Friction 1990-1991: Golfe Persique: Le r le jou par les Forces canadiennes, Author: Jean H. Morin
Title: Tell Me How This Ends: General David Petraeus and the Search for a Way Out of Iraq, Author: Linda Robinson
Title: Inside The Mirage: America's Fragile Partnership With Saudi Arabia, Author: Thomas Lippman
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Title: Iran-Iraq War: The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988, Author: Anthony Tucker-Jones
Title: The Point of Departure: Why One of Britain's Leading Politicians Resigned over Tony Blair's Decision to Go to War in Iraq, Author: Robin Cook
Title: A Rope and a Prayer: The Story of a Kidnapping, Author: David Rohde
Title: Mayada, Daughter of Iraq: One Woman's Survival Under Saddam Hussein, Author: Jean Sasson
Title: Into the Storm: A Study in Command, Author: Tom Clancy
Title: Debriefing the President: The Interrogation of Saddam Hussein, Author: John Nixon
Title: The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988, Author: Efraim Karsh
Title: Desert Storm 1991: The most shattering air campaign in history, Author: Richard P. Hallion

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