Title: The History Manifesto, Author: Jo Guldi
Title: Heidegger's Being and Time and the Possibility of Political Philosophy, Author: Mark Blitz
Title: The Unity of Philosophical Experience, Author: Etienne Gilson
Title: Humano, demasiado humano (Edi��o em portugu�s), Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Title: Inleiding tot de fenomenologie van religie, Author: Martin Heidegger
Title: Knowledge and Explanation in History: An Introduction to the Philosophy of History, Author: Ronald F. Atkinson
Title: Meditationen �ber die erste Philosophie, Author: Renï Descartes
Title: Justice for Hedgehogs, Author: Ronald Dworkin
Title: Hegel, Husserl and the Phenomenology of Historical Worlds, Author: Tanja Staehler professor of European philosophy
Title: History and International Relations: From the Ancient World to the 21st Century, Author: Howard LeRoy Malchow
Title: Herbert Butterfield and the Interpretation of History, Author: K. Sewell
Title: The Vital Past: Writings on the Uses of History / Edition 1, Author: Stephen Vaughn
Title: Walter Benjamin and the Demands of History / Edition 1, Author: Michael P. Steinberg
Title: Using Non-Textual Sources: A Historian's Guide, Author: Catherine Armstrong
Title: Museums and Memory / Edition 1, Author: Susan A. Crane
Title: Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950-76, Author: P. Beck
Title: Time, Narrative, and History, Author: David Carr (3)
Title: Logica: La questione della verit�:, Author: Martin Heidegger
Title: O Concurso de Homero, Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Title: Full History: On the Meaningfulness of Shared Action, Author: Steven G. Smith

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