Title: Women in Nabokov's Life and Art, Author: Nailya Garipova
Title: Leo Tolstoy: Resident and Stranger, Author: Richard F. Gustafson
Title: Dostoevsky: His Life and Work, Author: Konstantin Mochulsky
Title: Solzhenitsyn: A Biography, Author: Michael Scammell
Title: Khodasevich: His Life And Art, Author: David M. Bethea
Title: Boris Pasternak: A Literary Biography, Author: Christopher Barnes
Title: K.F. Ryleev: A Political Biography of the Decembrist Poet, Author: Patrick O'Meara
Title: Dostoevsky: The Author as Psychoanalyst, Author: George Santayana
Title: Dostoevsky and the Affirmation of Life, Author: Predrag Cicovacki
Title: Marina Tsvetaeva: The Woman, her World, and her Poetry, Author: Simon Karlinsky
Title: Turgenev: His Life and Times, Author: Leonard Schapiro
Title: Tolstoy, Author: Ernest Joseph Simmons