Title: El mar está lleno de medusas / The Sea Is Full of Jellyfish, Author: Paola Carola Pre-Order Now
Title: Todo lo que amamos y dejamos atrás / All That We Love and Let Go, Author: Elisa De Gortari Pre-Order Now
Title: Trabajos del reino, Author: Yuri Herrera Pre-Order Now
Title: Cómo vi a la Mujer Desnuda cuando entraba en el bosque / How I Saw the Naked Wom an When She Entered the Forest, Author: Martín Solares Pre-Order Now
Title: Playa Bagdad / Bagdad Beach, Author: Antonio Ramos Revillas Pre-Order Now
Title: Galería de títeres / Puppet Galery, Author: Pita Amor Pre-Order Now
Title: El lugar de la herida / The Place of the Wound, Author: Laura Baeza Pre-Order Now
Title: México esclavizado / An Enslaved Mexico, Author: Francisco Martín Moreno Pre-Order Now
Title: El tránsito de Venus / The Transit of Venus, Author: Carlos Pascual Pre-Order Now
Title: El último show del Elegante Joan / Elegant Joan's Final Show, Author: Luis humberto Crosthwaite Pre-Order Now
Title: Hacia el pantano / Towards the Swamp, Author: Gerardo Laveaga Pre-Order Now
Title: Los vivos / The Living, Author: Emiliano Monge Pre-Order Now
Title: Nadie nos vio partir / No One Saw Us Leave, Author: Tamara Trottner Pre-Order Now
Title: Amor al Prójimo (Premio Mauricio Achar) / Love for One's Neighbor, Author: GABRIELA ENRÍQUEZ Pre-Order Now