Title: The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Dracula, Author: Mark Dawidziak
Title: Adventures in the Deeps of the Mind: The Cuchulain Cycle of W.B. Yeats, Author: Barton R. Friedman
Title: Yeats's Poetic Codes, Author: Nicholas Grene
Title: Regard for the Other: Autothanatography in Rousseau, De Quincey, Baudelaire, and Wilde, Author: E.S. Burt
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Title: Wilde Writings: Contextual Conditions, Author: Joseph Bristow
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Title: The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe, Author: Klaus Peter Jochum
Title: Cultural Materialism: Theory and Practice / Edition 1, Author: Scott Wilson
Title: Oscar Wilde's Society Plays, Author: Michael Y. Bennett
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Title: Nationalism and Desire in Early Historical Fiction, Author: Ian Dennis
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Title: Cultural Politics in the 1790s: Literature, Radicalism and the Public Sphere, Author: A. McCann
Title: The Modern Gothic and Literary Doubles: Stevenson, Wilde and Wells, Author: L. Dryden
Title: Forgery in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture: Fictions of Finance from Dickens to Wilde, Author: S. Malton

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