Title: El amor según Mafalda / Love According to Mafalda, Author: Quino
Title: La filosofía de Mafalda / The Philosophy of Mafalda, Author: Quino
Title: Mafalda. Todas las tiras / Mafalda. All the Strips, Author: Quino
Title: ¡Me vale madres! Reloaded / I Don't Give a Damn! New Edition, Author: Prem Dayal
Title: 10 años con Mafalda / 10 years with Mafalda, Author: Quino
Title: Mafalda 1 (Spanish Edition), Author: Quino
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Title: Mafalda: Femenino Singular / Mafalda: Feminine singular, Author: Quino
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Title: Mafalda 7 (Spanish Edition), Author: Quino
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Title: ¡Cuanta bondad! / So Much Goodness!, Author: Quino
Title: Un tipo con cáncer entra a un bar..., Author: Sergio Jablon
Title: Esto no es todo / This is Not All, Author: Quino
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Title: La mesa de los galanes (NE), Author: Roberto Fontanarrosa
Title: Todo Mafalda (Edición definitiva) / All of Mafalda (Ultimate Edition), Author: Quino

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