Title: The Juneteenth Story: Celebrating the End of Slavery in the United States, Author: Alliah L. Agostini
Title: The Real History of Juneteenth, Author: Elliott Smith
Title: Give Me Liberty!: The Story of the Declaration of Independence, Author: Russell Freedman
Title: Holidays Around the World: Celebrate Independence Day: With Parades, Picnics, and Fireworks, Author: Deborah Heiligman
Title: The Ancient Celtic Festivals: and How We Celebrate Them Today, Author: Clare Walker Leslie
Title: Honremos a nuestros héroes: Día de los Veteranos, Author: Kelly Rodgers
Title: Remembering Our Heroes: Veterans Day, Author: Kelly Rodgers
Title: Independence Day, Author: Jill Foran
Title: Independence Day, Author: Joanna Ponto
Title: Presidents' Day, Author: Lynn Hamilton
Title: Groundhog Willie's Shadow, Author: Barbara Birenbaum
Title: Frederick Douglass's Fourth of July Speech, Author: Tamra Orr